- About
- Work
- Contributed talks
- Invited talks
- Algebraic equations with fewnomials and the Erdős-Rényi conjecture
- Algebraic equations with fewnomials and the Erdős-Rényi conjecture
- Algebraic equations with sparse polynomials and the Erdős-Rényi conjecture
- Finding involutions on perfect exponential fields
- Numeri surreali, derivazioni e transserie
- On a generalization of two conjectures of Rényi, Erdős and Schinzel about lacunary polynomials
- On the converse Schanuel conjecture
- On two conjectures of Rényi, Erdős and Schinzel about lacunary polynomials
- Raising to powers on the unit circle
- Raising to powers on the unit circle
- Surreal exponentiation
- Surreal numbers, derivations and transseries
- Surreal numbers, derivations and transseries
- Surreal numbers, derivations and transseries
- Surreal numbers, derivations and transseries
- Towards a composition on surreal numbers
- Transserial derivations on surreal numbers
- Zilber fields and complex exponentiation (AILA prize)
- Publications
- Teaching
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- Links
Invited talks
- Towards a composition on surreal numbers, Lancashire Yorkshire Model Theory Seminar, Manchester 13/03/2016
- Transserial derivations on surreal numbers, AMS-ASL Special Session on Surreal Numbers, JMM 2016, Seattle 07/01/2016
- On the converse Schanuel conjecture, Grenoble 05/11/2015
- Algebraic equations with sparse polynomials and the Erdős-Rényi conjecture, Séminaire tournant de théorie des nombres, Lyon 08/10/2015
- Surreal numbers, derivations and transseries, Future directions in model theory and analytic functions, Manchester 10/07/2015
- Surreal numbers, derivations and transseries, Lyon 10/06/2015
- Surreal numbers, derivations and transseries, Bordeaux 10/04/2015
Numeri surreali, derivazioni e transserie,
- Algebraic equations with fewnomials and the Erdős-Rényi conjecture, Caen 16/01/2015
- Algebraic equations with fewnomials and the Erdős-Rényi conjecture, Paris 15/01/2015
- Surreal exponentiation, Paris 13/01/2015
Surreal numbers, derivations and transseries,
- On two conjectures of Rényi, Erdős and Schinzel about lacunary polynomials, Second ERC Research Period on Diophantine Geometry, Cetraro 18/07/2014
- Raising to powers on the unit circle, First Joint International Meeting RSME-SCM-SEMA-SIMAI-UMI, Bilbao 03/07/2014
- Zilber fields and complex exponentiation (AILA prize), XXV Incontro dell'Associazione Italiana di Logica e Sue Applicazioni, Pisa 15/04/2014
- Raising to powers on the unit circle, Naples-Konstanz Model Theory Days, Caserta 08/11/2013
- On a generalization of two conjectures of Rényi, Erdős and Schinzel about lacunary polynomials, Basel 24/10/2013
- Involuzioni su campi di Zilber, Caserta 31/01/2013
- Zilber's pseudoexponential fields and involutions, Konstanz-Naples Model Theory Days, Konstanz 06/12/2012
- Zilber's perfect exponential fields and involutions, Lyon 15/11/2012
- A pseudoexponential-like structure on the algebraic numbers, Mini-workshop in o-minimality and Diophantine geometry, Oxford 24/08/2012
- A pseudoexponential-like structure on the algebraic numbers, Around Zilber-Pink conjectures -- Satellite day, Paris 30/06/2012
- Zilber's perfect exponential fields and involutions, Norwich 12/03/2012
- Artin-Whaples approximations of bounded degree on algebraic varieties, Graz 13/12/2011
- Finding involutions on perfect exponential fields, Manchester 08/12/2011