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Tesi di Mate Unipi

[T] Baldino - Protocollo di scambio di chiavi Post-Quantistico in contesti IoT

[T] Caputi - Una versione metrica del Teorema di Cartan-Hadamard

[T] Galgano - Teoria di Galois su superfici di Riemann: rivestimenti ramificati e algebre ètale

[T] Gallese - Teoria del campo di classe locale

[T] Morstabilini - Deformation theory and local study of the Hilbert scheme

[T] Pagaria - Il gruppo di Brauer di un campo locale

[T] Pratali - The construction of Real Numbers in Homotopy Type Theory

[T] Puddu - La teoria di Picard-Vessiot

[T] Santoro - Il Mapping Class Group e il Teorema di Dehn-Lickorish

[T] Sircana - Il Teorema di Quillen-Suslin

[T] Villani - Embedding Problems and Iwasawa's Theorem

[M] Bresciani - Nori's fundamental group-scheme

[M] Cappellini - Fibrations and Congruence Towers of Arithmetic Hyperbolic Manifolds

[M] Caputi - Homological Stability for General Linear Groups

[M] Galgano - Kronecker Decomposition of Pencils of Quadrics and Nonabelian Apolarity

[M] Gallese - Realization of absolute Galois groups as geometric fundamental groups

[M] Gnazzo - Computing the common roots of two bivariate polynomials via the Chebyshev-Bezout resultant

[M] Gregorio - Gli abbandoni del Corso di Laurea in Matematica a Pisa: uno studio qualitativo

[M] Lacini - On the Essential Dimension of Central Simple Algebras

[M] Leonardini - Computation of the Picard Group of the Moduli Stack of Elliptic Curves

[M] Lombardo - Mumford-Tate groups and Hodge classes on Abelian varieties of low dimension

[M] Mezzedimi - Configurations of Kodaira Fibers on Elliptic Surfaces

[M] Nardin - The Essential Dimension of Finite Group Schemes

[M] Papini - Algebraic Techniques for Circuit Verification

[M] Santoro - Hyperbolic four-manifolds with vanishing Seiberg-Witten invariants

[M] Sircana - Factoring polynomials over ℤ(n)

[M] Talpo - Deformation Theory

[PhD] Papini - Computational Aspects of Line and Toric Arrangements

[PhD] Poma - I gruppi di Brauer e la coomologia étale

[PhD] Strazzanti - A family of quotients of the Rees algebra and rigidity properties of local cohomology modules


Tesi di Mate ¬Unipi

[T] Fehlau - The Cayley Theorem for Semigroups


[M] {slides} Liang - Some Arithmetic Duality Theorems

[M] Candelori - Modular Curves and Mazur's Theorem

[M] Freni - Surreal Numbers, Transseries and ω-maps

[M] Lambert A'Campo - Topics in Galois Cohomology

[M] Lucchini-Arteche - Abélianisation de la cohomologie galoisienne

[M] Merici - Dualities in ètale cohomology

[M] Morosin - Duality theorems and Kolyvagin systems for elliptic curves

[M] Riehl - Lubin-Tate Formal Groups and Local Class Field Theory

[PhD] Clausen - Arithmetic Duality in Algebraic K-theory

[PhD] Grossi - Euler systems and their applications

[PhD] Lieblic - Galois Representations Arising from p-Divisible Groups

[PhD] Lurie - Derived Algebraic Geometry

[PhD] Masullo - Arithmetic Deformations of Crystalline Cohomology

[PhD] Wood - Moduli Spaces for Rings and Ideal